Post by rubi0000 on Dec 14, 2023 7:54:07 GMT
Everyone who has changed from an old computer to a new one or changed a car knows this. New solutions do not always seem better from the beginning but after some time we appreciate them and notice that the previously used ones had their drawbacks. months for testing Changing the operating system is a bigger challenge for nazthan for hosting users. We have been working for many months to transfer fo the new one so all websites should also work properly under the new Ubuntu . system . However each website and each IT Phone Number List solution is based on individual settings so it is worth testing whether all elements of your website also work properly with the new operating system . We have allocated as much as months for testing during which you will be able to check the correct operation of your website. That's also a lot of time for you to adjust it if something doesn't work properly. Switching the operating system version from an older to a newer one and vice versa will be possible after logging in to the CloudHosting Panel in thand FTP" section. It only takes a moment so we encourage you not to postpone this test until later . Remember that until June you will also be able to switch your service to the older version of Ubuntu. so you don't risk anything.